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Traveling By RV: 5 Tips for Winter Travel
When we think of traveling by RV, one of the first thoughts that come to mind is summer. Although summer is known as one of the most popular times to travel by RV. It is important to remember that you do not have to limit yourself. In fact, many RV owners travel by motor homes all year round, including in the winter. So here are 5 RV tips for winter travel.
As previously stated, winter is a great time to travel by RV. With that being said, there are some dangers associated with doing so. To help ensure that your next winter RV trip is fun, as well as safe, try implementing a few of the helpful safety tips outlined below.
Getting An RV Inspection
An RV inspection is an important component of safely traveling by RV in the winter. Although it does cost money to get your RV professionally inspected, there are a number of benefits to doing so. Take all advice, especially where repairs or updates are involved, into consideration. Also, outright ask your mechanic if your RV is safe for winter travel.
Part of the fun associated with RV trips is seeing what you have never seen before. With that being said, during the winter months, you will want to try and stay on roads that you are familiar with. If you must take a new route, be sure to stay on the main roads. Main roads, especially highways and interstates are often much easier to navigate, especially in bad weather.
Speaking of the weather, always get updated weather information when on the road. If you have a satellite television or a television antenna installed on your RV, examine the weather forecast whenever you can. Even if your RV isn’t equipped with a television, there are still other ways that you can stay updated on the weather. One great way involves listening to the radio.
Cell Phones
The easiest way to stay safe when traveling by RV in the winter is by keeping a cell phone with you at all times. Cell phones are a must-have for any type of travel. Should you run out of gas, run off the road, or face another emergency, you will want to be able to call for help. In fact, did you know that many cell phone providers allow weather updates to be accessed through their phones? In addition to bringing a cell phone, be sure to bring a charger as well.
Tell Someone Where You Will Be Going
Another easy way to stay safe when traveling by RV in the winter is by letting someone that you know and trust know where you are going, for how long, and when you plan on returning. This important tip is one that should be done even in the best of weather. In the event that you do not return home on time or if you are unable to be reached, a close friend or family member would have an idea of where to point the proper authorities, when looking for you.
It is also important to make sure that your RV is always filled with gas. Never let your RV run on or near empty. This is extremely important during the winter months. Should you accidentally run off the road or get stranded in bad weather. You will want your RV to have enough gasoline to keep you and your family as warm as possible. When parked in a public campground or an RV park. A full tank of gasoline can also reduce the likelihood of freezing or other complications from cold weather.
Finishing Up
The above-mentioned tips are just a few of the many that you should implement. Should you find yourself traveling by RV in the winter. The good news is that you likely already have a lot of needed emergency supplies. Such as water, snacks, warm clothes, and blankets in your RV. With that being said, should you need to leave your motor home, which is generally advised against, be sure to leave prepared.